André Wiersig


“Come and visit me and see what we are doing here for the conservation of the environment and the oceans”. My longtime friend Sascha Ritter has found his adopted home in the Philippines, more precisely in El Nido, where he lives his passion for nature conservation. We went to El Nido to understand the people who live with and from the sea, how to deal with nature sustainably with limited opportunities and in the midst of the daily struggle for survival. We were deeply impressed, learned a lot and, thanks to your support, got one or two projects off the ground.

Protecting turtle nests, preserving mangrove areas, creating alternatives to fishing with dynamite, providing positive impetus, exploring undiscovered reefs and setting up protection programs for them. These are just some of the missions we support and work directly with the dedicated people on the ground.

Here we will introduce you to the people behind them and with your help, theBlueHeart can make an important contribution to protecting what we love. Let’s protect what we love.