André Wiersig


“We looked each other in the eye with Jürgen and the whole team and it was clear to everyone – we will come back and try again.”

Not out of spite, but out of passion and following the call of the ocean and the locals of the Seychelles, I will return and try again.

Around 52km from the main island of Mahé across the open Indian Ocean to the idyllic vacation island of La Digue – swimming, 15-18 hours swimming, without technical aids. Puristic and genuine, becoming part of the sea as a human being, swimming with the sea and not against it.

Preparations are already underway and this time, with “theBlueHeart”, we will not only be working with scientists, metrologists and climate researchers in the run-up to the Epic Swim Seychelles, but also collecting important data with a measuring probe and making it available for research and science.

This campaign is all about generating positive impulses for people to preserve and protect the oceans, the largest ecosystem on our home planet Earth. Let me take you with me and be there live. I share my perspective with you and together we can achieve what others think is impossible.

Let’s protect what we love.